Word Native Language Definition
Winter Soltisce solsticio de invierno Shortes day of year(Dec 21/22)
Summer Soltisce solsticio de verano Longest day of earth(June 21/22
Equinox Equinoccio Equal day&night
Seasons Temporadas Winter,Spring,Summer and Fall
Axis Eje Imaginary line that goes trough the middle of the earh
Tilt inclinacion Not straight(angle 23.5 degrees)
Polaris Estrella polar North Star where earth axis always pointed to
Revolution Revolucion The movement of earth around the sun(365 d)
Equator ecuador Divide earth in 1/2
Hemispheres Hemisferios Half of earth
Aumtunal Equinox Equinoccio de otoño Days and nights are equal(september 22/23)
Spring Equinox Equinoccio de primavera Days and nights are equal(March 21/22)
Direct Sunlight Luz directa del sol Sun Hits earth in a staright line
Indirect Sunlight La luz solar indirecta Sun hit earth in a angle
Equinox Equinoccio Equal days and nights(12h days and 12h nights)
equinox means equal day and equal night which is 12h days and 12 h nights.The axis is an imaginary like that goes through the middle of the earth.The earth is dividen by the equator which is the Northen Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.The earth tilt in 23.5 degrees and the tilt always pointed to the north star called Polaris.Revolution is when the earth moves around the sun(365 d/1y).Direct sunlight is when sun hits earth in a straing line and indirect sunlight is when sun hit earth in an angle.solstice is the four season,Summer Solstice which is the longest day of the eart and it happen on june 21/22,Winter Solstice the shortest day of earth and happen on december 21/22,Aumtunal Equinox is when days and night are equal and happen in september 22/23 and Spring Equinox is when days and nights are equal and happen in march 21/22.
Critical thinking question-
How is earth affected by the movement(revolution)?
The Earth takes 365.25 days to revolve around the sun. It is during this year or revolution that brings Earth it’s seasons.Also its affected by the axis which cause days and nights,and the moon movement which caused tides which causes water level to be high or low or sometimes normal.
1.What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
What i enjoy the most about this project was working in group and learning new things about my topic.
2.What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging part for me was the time to record the video because we need to have the pictures in order to put them and also moving the pictures.
3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
The new skills i learn from this project was to get in mind to do the things on time and also to collaborate with others.
4.Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?explain
Something i could done to improve our project would be to be more creative with our pictures and also with our video and edit it with nice to make it creative.
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