The STars
What is a star?

A star is a ball made up of hot air and gas.they all have different sizes and colors.There is many different types of stars like the:super giants, the giants, the white dwarf, and the main sequence stars.In the center of the stars is where the heat is made, that is made by the nuclear fusion. Stars are classified by categories, like types of stars, colors, sizes, ages, luminosity, temperatures and spectral class. .Nuclear fusion help stars to make energy. It is the process of the nuclear reaction change two hydrogen molecules into a helium molecule and energy inside the stars.The lifecycle of a star it show the process of stars before they were born, during their life, and after they died. Every stars are born with giant clouds with dust and gas, this is called stellar nebula. But there is a different cycle between sun-like stars, huge stars and giant stars.The Stellar Nebula is where a star is born then becomes a protostar (baby star). As the star gets older and older it becomes a Red Giant. The life of a star has 3 types in the stellar nebula. Sun-like stars, huge stars and giant stars. All these types shows how a stars is born and its lifestyle. The H-R Diagram of a star tells where to find the main sequence, white dwarf, giant and supergiant are located on the diagram.
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